Split AC not Cooling but Fan is Running

Air conditioning may not be cooling your indoor air for several reasons. We’ll explain each option and how to fix your AC not cooling and not providing cold air again.

Your Thermostat Isn’t Cooperating

Air conditioners that don’t cool a house are often caused by thermostat issues. A malfunctioning thermostat can make your AC unit work inefficiently.
Thermostats can malfunction. If it misreads the temperature, it may turn on and off at the wrong times. Otherwise, the thermostat may be dirty or the batteries may need to be replaced.

Start by checking your thermostat settings if you think it’s the problem. Cleaning, replacing, or having an HVAC technician inspect the thermostat are other options.

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A Breaker Has Been Tripped

Tripped Breaker Heating Repair Manassas tip This tip is only for homeowners with no air conditioning. Air conditioners use electricity. If your air conditioner loses power, your home won’t be a summer paradise. Locate your breaker panel and check it. Clearly label your AC breakers. See if turning them off and on has any effect.

You Have a Clogged Air Filter

Dirty air filters reduce airflow, energy consumption, and cooling efficiency during air conditioning. Dirty air filters may cause your air conditioner to not cool your home well.
Dirt, dust, and other contaminants are trapped by air filters. Once clogged, these filters make it harder for cool air to circulate.
Factors such as the type of filter, air pollution, and number of people and pets in your home determine how often you should change your air filters. Generally, check and replace air filters every month and three months. The frequency of replacement may be higher if you have pets, allergies, or live in a polluted area.

Your Outdoor Unit is Coated in Dirt and Debris

During use, your air conditioner condenser is outside your home. Eventually, wind and rain will blow dirt and debris into it. Too much dirt hinders condenser heat exchange. This issue can be addressed. Tightening up the landscaping around your condenser will prevent branches, bushes, and other vegetation from adding debris. It’s best to leave 46 centimeters around your condenser. Wash your condenser regularly with soap and water. Clean the condenser fins gently without breaking them.
In the off-season, cover and secure your condenser. To protect yourself from dirt and debris, consider an air filtration system.

The Refrigerant in Your Air Conditioner is Leaking

Refrigerant leaks can cause an air conditioner to run but not cool home. Any AC unit that uses refrigerant to cool the air will not work properly without enough. Failures in connections, coils, or wear and tear can cause refrigerant leaks. Consult a professional HVAC technician to diagnose and recharge your AC unit if you suspect refrigerant deficiency.
Refrigerant leaks are dangerous and should be corrected by a professional. Dial an HVAC professional immediately if you suspect a refrigerant leak in your AC unit.

Faulty Condenser or Evaporator Coils

Your AC needs condenser and evaporator coils. While the evaporator coil cools home air, the condenser coil removes heat from refrigerant. Your AC may run but not cool if these coils are dirty or damaged. Because the coils cannot transfer heat and cool the air.
A HVAC technician should clean or repair coils. With their experience and equipment, they can diagnose and repair coil issues. They may recommend replacing coils beyond repair.

Oversized or Undersized AC Units

Lastly, an oversized or undersized unit may be the cause if your air conditioner is functioning but not producing enough cooling for your home. An AC unit that is too powerful for your house is called an oversized unit, and one that is not powerful enough is called an undersized unit. Oversized air conditioners are more likely to experience brief cycling, which is characterized by numerous on and off cycles that result in greater wear and tear and decreased efficiency. However, a smaller unit can find it difficult to adequately chill your house, particularly on hot days.
Seeking advice from a qualified HVAC specialist will help you assess whether your AC unit is the appropriate size for your house.

Air Conditioning Wasn’t Properly Installed

We see this often with air conditioners and furnaces. An inefficiently installed air conditioner won’t generate enough cool air. Central air conditioners have more parts that could be installed incorrectly than window units. A new air conditioner will reveal this. Get a second opinion and let us fix any issues.
Heating Repair Manassas Note: The size of your air conditioner is also incredibly important. If it’s too big or too small, you won’t be able to efficiently cool your home. Before you buy an air conditioner, meet with a qualified home specialist who can perform an evaluation and make recommendations.

Your Ductwork is Leaking

Any cracks or spaces in your ductwork will let cool air seep out and away. It’ll never reach you, and you’ll think your AC is not cooling your home. In fact, it is – just not where and the way you want. The cold air blowing out is not getting to you, leaving your air conditioner running longer than needed. That’s a waste of your money and is incredibly frustrating.
We can perform a ductwork inspection, diagnose the problem, and provide recommendations for next steps.

Your Air Conditioner is Over the Hill

Even the best AC eventually ages. After 15 years, take notice of your air conditioner’s performance. Replacement is needed if you’re spending hundreds of dollars a year to maintain it or if your AC isn’t cooling your home.
The experts at Heating Repair Manassas can consult with you in your home and recommend the latest models for your needs. A new AC unit can be expensive. Do not worry—Heating Repair Manassas offers HVAC financing.

Your AC System is Freezing Up

If you found a dirty air filter, your refrigerant may have over-cooled and frozen condensation, resulting in a frozen evaporator coil. Blockages in the drainage pipe or refrigerant leaks in the line may cause the evaporator coil to freeze. While the refrigerant lines are intact, a fan issue may cause condensation to build up on the evaporator coil and disrupt cooling. Frozen AC units require HVAC repair due to dirty air filters, refrigerant leaks, or other issues.

Get Help from the Professionals at Heating Repair Manassas

Hire professionals if your outdoor unit isn’t cooling your home. We’ll provide fast, on-time service to restore cool air. This applies to Lennox and Carrier AC repairs. We can maintain cool air with annual AC maintenance after this. A once-yearly tune-up will reduce breakdowns, extend AC life, and lower energy costs.

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